Our core values

kids14 Caring
Each child’s potential is cultivated within a conducive and loving environment.
kids13 Honesty
Each child’s integrity and character is shaped by observing good role models.
kids3 Respect
Each child is seen as an individual endowed with unique talents and abilities.
kids6 Responsibility
Each child’s development is undertaken in partnership with parents and the community.

Smarty Programs

Our school follows the guidelines of the local school district in order to
A small class size and exceptional teachers enable Smarty to offer
A small class size and exceptional teachers enable Smarty to offer an


Persons your child interacts with during this time will be the role models through whom he will learn and develop. As a parent, you want to entrust the care of your infant or child to someone who cares – someone who takes a personal interest in your child’s well-being and development.

Child development is a shared responsibility. Each KIDS MEADOW center will work towards a healthy partnership with parents to create a loving, supportive, and nurturing environment for your child’s development, and we look forward to an on-going and constructive engagement with parents.

We value keeping open and friendly communication with parents.  We invite you to express your opinions and ideas and to share the wonderful experience of your child’s daily life.  This will help us cater to their individuality, build confidence, and to prepare your child to do the best they can in the future years.

As you have made KIDS MEADOW a part of your world, we endeavor to be a trusted partner in your child’s development and education. Thank you for entrusting your precious ones in our care!

Dear Readers

You can be confident that your child is safe and in the best hands.

Your child’s early years are crucial. They form the foundation of a child’s lifelong learning and character development. Early childhood is filled with active experiential learning, as each new encounter with people, surroundings, and experiences becomes wired into your child’s understanding of the world. We believe that every child can be a confident explorer, a creative thinker, a curious learner, and a caring individual.

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Our happy parents


Private yet affordable elementary school offering a stimulating curriculum and a supportive environment.

Private yet affordable elementary school offering a stimulating curriculum and a supportive environment.

Private yet affordable elementary school offering a stimulating curriculum and a supportive environment.

Art Atelier
There are numerous ways children can explore, express, and connect their thoughts, feelings, and imaginations.
Construction Piazza
with a variety of blocks, Lego and recycled materials available for connecting and disconnecting, stacking and constructing, the sky is the limit at the Construction Piazza.
Finger Gym
Writing is an intricate process for young children as they need to utilise every one of their little fingers and fine motor competencies.